Policy Brief: Level the Playing Field

Woodlands Management Topics Archives - Page 7 of 7 - Vermont Woodlands Association

Policy Brief: Level the Playing Field

Public Policy Issue Brief: Level the Playing Field for Vermont’s Forest Landowners, Foresters, and Harvesters Background Vermont’s Forests play a major social, economic, recreational, and environmental role in the state, perhaps even greater than ever now that the state faces the task of cleaning up Lake Champlain. The recent DEC publication, Vermont Lake Champlain Phosphorus


Working Lands Enterprise Initiative Funding

The Working Lands Coalition has good news to report! The legislature finished their business this week, and they allocated an additional $1 million for the Working Lands Enterprise Initiative for fiscal year 2020, which means a little over $1.5 million will be available for grants in the coming year—the largest investment in this initiative to


Adapting Forests to Climate Change

Summary of Content: The following link speaks to how Vermont has undergone serious climate change over the past 50 years, specifically causing a drought throughout summer 2016 and 2017. This also impacts where certain plants and animals thrive or do not. Certain recommendations are brought up in order to solve the problems associated with climate


Timber Harvesting in Vermont: Summary of Laws and Regulations

Summary of Content: The Timber Harvesting in Vermont Guide provides a summary of laws and regulations affecting timber harvesting businesses in Vermont. While it is primarily intended for loggers and foresters, there are others in forest industry who will find it helpful as well. The guide provides an overview of laws and regulations pertaining to


Invasive Alder Briefing

Invasive Alder Briefing –USDA Conservation Projects in Vermont   BACKGROUND • USDA, along with USFWS and the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, has confirmed that an invasive species of alder (European Black Alder, Alnus glutinosa) was planted in some riparian buffers throughout Vermont, as opposed to the native version (Speckled Alder, Alnus incana) that was specified


Changes in the Law Affecting the Current Use Program in 2015

Summary of Content: Several changes occurred regarding Vermont’s Use Value Appraisal Program. Though several changes occurred, the largest change was likely relates to how the Land Use Change Tax (LUCT) is to be calculated and a temporary “Easy Out” period in which landowners can remove an entire parcel, or portion of a parcel, without paying the