Make a Gift

Make a Gift

Support the Future of Our Forests

At the Vermont Woodlands Association, we know that the future depends on our forests. Your donation is essential for maintaining healthy, resilient, and sustainably managed forests not just for today, but for generations to come. With your generous support, we can make a significant impact on Vermont’s forests, connecting more people to their importance and promoting a sustainable future. Join other dedicated woodland stewards in making a difference today!

Ways to Contribute

Become a VWA Member: Sign up now

Make a One Time Gift: Donate now

Become a Sustaining Donor: Make a monthly gift

Make a Gift in Someone’s Name: In honor or In memory

Leave a Legacy: From stocks and IRAs to naming us as a beneficiary, you can create a lasting impact with Vermont Woodlands Association. Contact Kate at for more information.

Thank you for investing in the future of our forests! Your support makes all the difference.


Frequently Asked Questions

Does VWA accept checks?

Absolutely!  If you would prefer to mail your donation, please make your check payable to Vermont Woodlands Association. Our mailing address is: Vermont Woodlands Association, PO Box 26, Rupert, VT 05768  Please note: If you are sending a check via UPS or FedEx, please contact us for our physical address.

Can I donate to the Vermont Tree Farm Program?

Yes, you can donate directly the Vermont Tree Farm Program to support The Tree Farm Committee’s 2024 strategic initiatives by using this link.

I would like to donate to an endowment, how do I do that?  

We would be happy to assist you with a donation to one of our two endowment funds

  • Peter Upton Wildlife Endowment, which supports our wildlife focused programming,
  • Executive Director Endowment, which supports our organizational leadership and capacity.

To make a gift to one of these endowments, please contact Carol Hancock at or (802) 747-7900.

Does my donation qualify as membership?

We appreciate all the ways our community supports Vermont Woodlands Association. We process all year-end gifts as donations, unless you request the donation be allocated differently at the time of giving. If you are interested in becoming a member, or renewing your membership, please do so using this link to our membership webpage.