Climate Smart Forestry Series

Climate Smart Forestry Series

Interested in understanding how climate change will impact your woods? Checkout our Climate Smart Forestry Series, a monthly program designed to explore the 12 Steps of Climate Resilience and various climate-friendly management practices. Each month, forestry and wildlife experts will lead online webinars and in-person woods walks focused on different climate-related topics. Whether you’re new to caring for the woods or an experienced woodland steward, this series offers valuable insights and strategies for adapting to the changing climate while promoting the health and resilience of Vermont’s woodlands.


Upcoming Programs

Biodiversity and Birds in a Changing Climate

Woods Walk: Forest Stewardship Practices for the Birds

Saturday, May 18th 1:00 PM – 3:00 pm   Register

Merck Forest & Farmland Center, Rupert

What does forest management for the birds look? Come see a recent forestry project at Merck Forest to increase habitat for birds, while improving the forests resilience to climate change. We’ll practice some bird identification skills and discuss some basic strategies that landowners can apply on their property to increase habitat, as well as the big and small ways to help out our feathered friends as stewards of our own.


Healthy Woodland Streams: Improving Habitat and Flood Resilience through Strategic Woody Additions

Webinar: Strategic Woody Additions in Streams

Wednesday, May 22nd 12:00 – 1:00 pm    Register

Learn how the implementation of strategic wood additions to streams restores and protects woodland stream habitats. Presenters Dave Wilcox (Watershed Forester) and Shayne Jaquith (Watershed Restoration Program Manager, The Nature Conservancy) discuss techniques and benefits of implementing strategic wood additions on your land to improve fish habitat, increase biodiversity, and resilience to climate change.

Woods Walk: Improving Habitat and Flood Resilience of Woodland Streams through Strategic Woody Additions 

Saturday, June 8th 10:00 AM – 12:00 pm  Register

Green Mountain National Forest (directions will be emailed)

Join us for a walk to stream restoration project on Green Mountain National Forest to learn how strategic wood additions protect and benefit woodland stream habitat. Presenters Dave Wilcox (Watershed Forester) and Shayne Jaquith (Watershed Restoration Program Manager, The Nature Conservancy) will lead a walk through the woods to demonstrate strategic wood addition techniques.

Woods Turtles Considerations for Woodland Owners

Webinar: The Fascinating Lives of Wood Turtles

Monday, June 17th  7:00 pm     Register

Wood Turtles roam great distances from the valley streams where they overwinter, spending considerable time in woodlands and meadows. With many river valleys bordered by roads and farms, many of these rare turtles are killed by cars and machinery. In their dependence on conservation strategies that connect land and water resources together, Wood Turtles serve as an ambassador for riparian conservation and habitat connectivity, to the benefit
of many other species. Knowing how to identify their habitat and blend Wood Turtle management into working landscapes are important steps to protecting this charismatic species. Join Kiley Briggs, Director of Conservation for the Orianne Society, for a webinar to learn about Wood Turtle ecology, threats to their conservation, and steps landowners and land stewards can take to protect this charismatic species.

Woods Walk: Turtle Friendly Woodland Management 

Saturday, June 22nd   Register

Join us for a woods walk to explore the habitat of the woods turtle. We will learn about what habitat features these turtles rely on to survive, as well as what signs to look for to see if they are present, and what actions landowners and managers can take to support local populations and implement turtle friendly practices. Time and location are to be determined!