Join Us – Consulting Foresters

Join Us – Consulting Foresters

Licensed Consulting Forester Application

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Application Form

    Contact Information


    Society of American Foresters (SAF) Certified YesNo





    Experience/ Skills

    List five (5) Use Value Appraisal or equivalent forest management plans that you have prepared in the last two years. Please provide references for landowners we may call, including name, state of residence, and phone number. Please note that we will not ask for confidential information.

    List three (3) forest product sales, which have generated at least $1000 in stumpage revenue that you have administered in the last two years. Please provide dates and references for landowners we may call, including name, state of residence, and phone number. Please note that we will not ask for confidential information.

    List three (3) significant examples of oral or written communication for public consumption that you have presented (i.e., letters to editor, radio talk show, school demonstration, publication, etc.) in the last three years.

    Additional Information/ Signature

    Annual dues are currently $180.

    Please send completed application and dues check to Vermont Woodlands Association, PO Box 26, Rupert, VT 05768. Your check will be held pending acceptance by the VWA Consulting Forester Committee.

    My signature certifies that I am a Vermont licensed forester and the information submitted here is accurate and true, to the best of my knowledge.