Policy Brief: Level the Playing Field

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Policy Brief: Level the Playing Field

Public Policy Issue Brief: Level the Playing Field for Vermont’s Forest Landowners, Foresters, and Harvesters Background Vermont’s Forests play a major social, economic, recreational, and environmental role in the state, perhaps even greater than ever now that the state faces the task of cleaning up Lake Champlain. The recent DEC publication, Vermont Lake Champlain Phosphorus


Working Lands Enterprise Initiative Funding

The Working Lands Coalition has good news to report! The legislature finished their business this week, and they allocated an additional $1 million for the Working Lands Enterprise Initiative for fiscal year 2020, which means a little over $1.5 million will be available for grants in the coming year—the largest investment in this initiative to


Farm Bill Matrix

Summary of Content: The programs that apply to you depend on what type of conservation activities you are interested in doing on your property. With all of the different acronyms used, the Farm Bill programs can start to seem like an alphabet soup.   Link: Click Here


Policy Brief: Deer Herd Management

In some areas of Vermont, excessively high numbers of deer or moose cause serious browsing damage to young trees and other low forest vegetation. The resulting damage not only retards the growth of future wood products, but also promotes the establishment and expansion of invasive plant populations, and can be severe enough to alter the