Alternative Approaches to Stumpage Payment Systems for Loggers

Alternative Approaches to Stumpage Payment Systems for Loggers

Saturday 10/16/21
9 AM-12 PM
This woodlot tour will explore the economics of working in the woods in VT, with an emphasis on how payment for loggers affects the final product. Topics discussed include current market trends in wood pricing, current stumpage rates here in Vermont, costs of trucking wood to markets, and how payment systems can affect the residual stand. Also, we will define and explain Third Branch Horse Logging’s alternative approach to payment for their work, with plenty of time for questions and discussion. Loggers, foresters, and land owners are invited to get involved in the discussion, along with members of the public who want to see how an alternative approach can yield sustainable results in a working woodlot. 3 Category 1 CFE credits assigned. Click here to register.