The Fascinating Lives of Wood Turtles – Ecology and Conservation of a Rare Turtle in VT

The Fascinating Lives of Wood Turtles – Ecology and Conservation of a Rare Turtle in VT

Tuesday, May 4
7:00pm – 8:00pm
Join Vermont Coverts as we host The Orianne Society’s Northeast Turtle Conservation Coordinator, Kiley Briggs, for an online presentation about Wood Turtles in Vermont. Kiley will share about their ecology, threats, and some of the ways land can be managed to help this floodplain species in critical need. Wood Turtles are widespread across the state, but rare in most areas, their secretive nature means that few people have a chance to see one in the wild. Spending half their time on land and half their time in rivers, Wood Turtles behave very differently from any other turtle in the state. This presentation is geared toward all ages, so please join Vermont Coverts, The Orianne Society, and the Vermont Reptile and Amphibian Atlas to learn more about the fascinating world of Wood Turtles. Registration is required (free). Please visit this link to sign up.