Into the woods: Two misconceptions about forests

Educational Resources Archives - Vermont Woodlands Association

Into the woods: Two misconceptions about forests

As I write this, Chittenden County is settling into winter, last night’s rain notwithstanding. As December progresses you might start to hear the buzzing of chainsaws and the thrum of skidders in the woods, logs piling up by the side of your road. You might see a forest that you know and love change; the


Vermont Climate Council Launches Series of Public Events to Gather Feedback and Ideas for Statewide Climate Action Plan

From hotter days to more frequent and intense storms, Vermont’s climate patterns are clearly shifting and impacting our state. This fall, state officials, local leaders and members of the Vermont Climate Council invite the public to attend one of several events to learn about the development of the state’s Climate Action Plan and help prioritize approaches. “Join us at an


The invasive emerald ash borer has destroyed millions of trees

scientists aim to control it with tiny parasitic wasps The emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) is a deceptively attractive metallic-green adult beetle with a red abdomen. But few people ever actually see the insect itself – just the trail of destruction it leaves behind under the bark of ash trees. These insects, which are native to


Into the Woods: What makes a forest healthy?

Landowners always ask me: “is my forest healthy?” While this seems like it should warrant a simple “yes” or “no” answer, the question almost always makes me pause, my eyes glazing over. Like many parts of our world, the deeper we dig into forests the less clear things become, and judging if a forest is


Invasive Insect ‘Spotted Lanternfly’ Found in Out-of-State Shipment to Rutland, Vermont

Vermont Agencies investigating to determine level of concern, impact and potential response  On Thursday, August 19th the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets (VAAFM) was alerted that a live ‘Spotted Lanternfly’ was captured on a shipment delivered in Rutland. Recognizing the insects as unusual, at the time of delivery the insects were either killed or captured,


Several new detections of EAB in Vermont

Several new detections of EAB in Vermont have expanded existing Infested Areas. The new detections were found in the towns of Berlin, Highgate, Middlebury, Rupert, St. Albans, Swanton, and Wilmington. The new detections were discovered by dedicated volunteers from Vermont’s Forest Pest First Detectors program through observations and mid-season inspections of purple prism traps,  a tool used to monitor for EAB.


Northeast-Midwest State Foresters Alliance

A project initiated by the Northeast-Midwest State Foresters Alliance, Forest Markets & Utilization Committee researched contributions of the forest products industry in the 20 Northeast and Midwest states. The project was funded, in part, by a Landscape Scale Restoration Grant and administered by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Forest Resources Division. The results of


Butterfly Count on the Thomson Family Tree Farm in Orford, NH 

Recently I hosted a “Butterfly Count” on our Tree Farm on the south side of Mt. Cube in Orford, NH. George DeWolf, from Wentworth, is the coordinator of the only butterfly count held in New Hampshire that reports data to the North American Butterfly Association ( He was particularly interested in obtaining access to our property