Climate Adaptability As Part of A Woodlot Management Plan

Climate Adaptability As Part of A Woodlot Management Plan

Saturday 9/25/21
9 AM – 12 PM
During this woodlot tour, we will walk a woodlot in which climate adaptability is one of the multiple management goals. Participants will hear about some simple methods to begin thinking about carbon sequestration and storage in a working woodlot. We will discuss how carbon planning might fit into the Use Value Appraisal Program (Current Use) in Vermont. People with all points of view are encouraged to come and share their thoughts on whether or not carbon planning can and should find a place alongside timber sales, recreational access, wildlife management, and other planning considerations in a woodlot. This session will be open to woodlot owners, foresters, and loggers, along with interested members of the public. 3 Category 1 CFE credits assigned. Click here to register.