Planning for the future of our Forests: Forest Economics and Ecology

Planning for the future of our Forests: Forest Economics and Ecology

Thursday, August 19
5:30 pm
Park House at the Manchester Recreation Center, 340 Recreation Park Rd
This workshop will provide an overview of the economic value of our forest resources while also reviewing ecological principles that are fundamental to a healthy natural environment. Vermont Conservation Design (VCD) is a system that can help with the planning process by identifying key features necessary for maintaining an ecologically functional landscape. That healthy functioning landscape, in turn, supports the local economy. The speakers will review the science behind VCD and discuss real-world applications relevant to local and regional planning, conservation, and economic development. This workshop is free and open to the public. A light meal will be provided for all attendees. Registration is not required but call or email Jim Sullivan ( or 802-442-0713 x5) at the Bennington County Regional Commission if you plan to attend so that we can order enough food! This program being sponsored by Rep. Bongartz and the Bennington County Regional Commission