Reviewing your Town Plan & Regulations: Lessons Learned from our Comprehensive Review – Webinar

Reviewing your Town Plan & Regulations: Lessons Learned from our Comprehensive Review – Webinar

Session 2: Wednesday, December 8, 1-2 PM
Every eight years, Vermont municipalities update their town plans to set the vision for moving forward and balancing an array of competing values. Natural resource issues are an important consideration in this balancing act. While every town is unique and different resources are present in each community, a lot can be learned from what other towns have done to address these topics. The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department and Vermont Natural Resources Council have just completed our decennial review of every town plan, zoning, subdivision and ordinance in Vermont. Our analysis offers insights into best practices in handling natural resource issues in municipal planning. Join this session to learn more about improving your town plan natural resources chapter. To learn more and register, click here.