Carbon Glossary of Terms

Forestry Professionals Topics Archives - Vermont Woodlands Association

Carbon Glossary of Terms

ADDITIONALITY To avoid giving credits to projects that would have happened anyway, rules have been specified to ensure additionality of the project i.e. to ensure the project reduces emissions more than would have occurred in the absence of the project. A project is additional if its proponents can document that realistic alternative scenarios to the


Carbon FAQs

What to consider when choosing a carbon program Carbon projects are now accessible to small landowners in Vermont and neighboring states. As more options become available, it is important for both landowners and their foresters to explore the array of opportunities, including commitment, pricing, and quality associated with each project and developer. Additionally, compatibility with


Myths About Current Use- Part 2

In our ongoing look at Current Use this article is a continuation in debunking myths surrounding the program (Read the first article here). To quickly review, the Use Value Appraisal program (UVA), commonly known as Current Use, is a property tax incentive that allows farm and forest landowners to have their land appraised at its


Timber Tax

According to the well-known saying, there are only two certain things in this life: death and taxes. The latter of the two applies to your woodlands in the form of Timber Tax. Timber Tax is a complicated topic, and the purpose of this article is to give a brief overview and provide resources for further


Gypsy moth resources

Invasives on land: Gypsy moths – VTInvasives Gypsy moths are making a comeback in Vermont – by Judy Rosovsky, Vermont State Entomologist Gypsy moth outbreak in VT fact sheet – UVM Extension Gypsy moth fact sheet – USDA Gypsy moth quarantine map – USDA APHIS Gypsy moth webinar,  July 20 7 pm – VT Coverts


Submitting FMARs on eCuse

As you know, Forest Management Activity Reports are due by February 1st , 2021 on UVA forestland parcels where activity was implemented in 2020.  I want to remind folks that FMARs can now be submitted on eCuse by both landowners and consulting foresters. Submission online is an option, not a requirement.   Some of the major benefits for


Myths about Current Use – Part 1

In this third article about Current Use, we begin to explore some of the myths about the program. As in most cases, there are too many myths to cover here so stay tuned for more myths in the months to come. Use Value Appraisal or Current Use can apply to either agricultural land or forest


EAB Detections

There have been new detections of EAB in Vermont that have expanded the infested areas within Bennington, Caledonia, Lamoille, and Washington counties. These new detections were discovered through seasonal monitoring for the presence of EAB using purple traps and trap trees. Because the EAB flight season has ended, we have concluded our surveying efforts for this


Pioneering Tree Farmers

Once upon a time, “Pioneer” was the pathway to becoming a Tree Farmer. Today, Pioneer status can still serve as an introductory level of participation in the program, but it is not a mandatory starting point. The Pioneer category allows interested landowners who may not quite meet AFF Standards of Sustainability but do meet eligibility