Climate Adaptability As Part of A Woodlot Management Plan

For Consulting Foresters Archives - Page 16 of 29 - Vermont Woodlands Association

Climate Adaptability As Part of A Woodlot Management Plan

Saturday 9/25/21 9 AM – 12 PM During this woodlot tour, we will walk a woodlot in which climate adaptability is one of the multiple management goals. Participants will hear about some simple methods to begin thinking about carbon sequestration and storage in a working woodlot. We will discuss how carbon planning might fit into


Promoting Flood Resiliency in a Changing Climate- In-Person

September 18, 9-11 AM Forest Center, Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller NHP, Woodstock, VT. Join us for this in-person workshop with Vermont River Management Engineer Todd Menees to learn about flood resiliency, riparian vegetation, and water quality in the Ottauquechee River watershed. The workshop format will be in 3-parts: indoor slide presentations, a river flume table demonstration, and a


Land for Birds: Migratory Birds & their Habitat – In-person

September 18, 8 AM-12 PM NORDIC FARMS Join Vermont Land Trust and Audubon Vermont at Nordic Farms in Charlotte to see birds up close, tour newly restored bird habitat, and learn how land trusts are helping migratory birds. It’s prime migration time and we’ll begin with bird banding, where you’ll get to see birds like warblers, thrushes,


A Path Forward: Understanding and Restoring Degraded Forests

September 22 11 AM This webinar will explore the complexities of forest degradation due to poor forest management and planning. We will gain a basic understanding of land-use history as it pertains to forest degradation and how misconceptions of forest ecology have led to poor forest management. Then we will learn how forest products markets


Starting Your Town Conservation Fund – Webinar

Thursday, October 7 Or Thursday, December 2 Did you know that towns can establish dedicated funds to pay for conservation? Join Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department’s Community Wildlife Program to learn about what it takes to start a Conservation Fund, where the money comes from, and what to do with yours. We’ll share useful tips,


Tree Identification: Fall Foliage & Phenology – In-Person

October 9, 10-11:30 AM Forest Center, Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller NHP, Woodstock, VT. The leaves are changing colors and the landscape is a beautiful array of yellow, red, and orange. Some trees have already dropped all their leaves, others are just beginning to change. Do you know how to tell different species of trees just by their fall


Natural Resources Inventories – Webinar

Friday, October 15, 2021 11 AM- 12 PM For towns, organizations, and landowners looking to better understand their land, conducting a Natural Resources Inventory is a great place to start. Whether you are interested in wildlife, wetlands, or forest blocks, a natural resources inventory can help you identify what matters most and where it occurs on the